A candidate should verify from the notified rules that he/she is eligible. The condition prescribed cannot be relaxed. The recruitment will be made by selection but Where a large number of applications are received, as a result of Advertisement, the Board may, for the purpose of short-listing, hold a preliminary examination. Scale of Pay: Rs. 15600/- — Rs. 42000/- , [ Grade Pay – Rs. 5400/- ]. Other allowances will also be admissible as per Government order in force. Qualification :
Essential :
i)MBBS Degree included in the First or Second Schedule or Part-II of the Third Schedule of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956 ) .
ii)Weightage shall be given to candidates holding recognized Postgraduate degree (for disciplines under the Specialities group) and recognized Postdoctoral degree (for disciplines under the Super specialities group) in the concerned discipline in accordance with the ‘Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998’ framed by the Medical Council of India, published in Part – III, Section – 4, of the Gazette of India, dated the 5th day of December, 1998, as subsequently amended, and which are included in the First Schedule or Second Schedule or the Third Schedule of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956).
Desirable :
i)Publications in journals indexed with Index Medicus or National Level journals of the National Academic Organizations;
ii)Two years’ service experience in rural areas;
Age : Not more than 45 years on the 1st day of January of 2015. Age relaxation may be given to such doctors who have served under this State Government, to an extent equivalent to the period of such service, subject to a maximum of five years:
psu jobs Fee : Candidates must submit the application fee amounting to Rs. 210/- (Rupees two hundred ten only) through Bank Counter in any branch of Banks participating in the GRIPS ( Govt. Receipt Portal System ), Govt. of West Bengal through duplicate challan, as generated after filling up the online application Form. Govt. Receipt Head of Account is ‘ 0051-00-104-002-16’.
How to Apply:
Application shall be made in the format, as available ,in the Health Recruitment Board Website (www.wbhrb.in). Application received after the closing date shall be rejected.
In case, any of the statement made in the application be subsequently found to be false within the knowledge of the candidates- his/her candidature will be liable to cancellation, and even if appointed to a post on the results of this examination his/her appointment will be liable to be terminated. Willful suppression of any material fact will also be similarly dealt with.
Candidates should take particular note that entries in their application submitted to the Board must be made correctly against all the items which will be treated as final and no alteration and addition in this regard will be entertained after full submission of the application. Application not duly filled in or found incomplete or defective in any respect or without fee will be liable to rejection.
All information regarding selection/ recruitment (date of examination, date of interview etc.) to the post will be available, time to time in the Board Website at www.wbhrb.in. Candidates are requested to follow the website (www.wbhrb.in) from time to time for any update/ information.