Name of post: lecturer
Total No. of Posts: 1070
Name of the Post: Lecturer
Name of the Subject:
1. Economics: 36 posts
2. English Literature: 93 posts
3. Geography: 87 posts
4. Hindi Literature: 59 posts
5. History: 84 posts
6. Library Science: 01 post
7. Philosophy: 08 posts
8. Political Science: 94 posts
9. Psychology: 03 posts
10. Public Administration: 15 posts
11. Sanskrit: 64 posts
12. Sindhi: 01 post
13. Sociology: 30 posts
14. Urdu: 22 posts
15. Botany: 66 posts
16. Chemistry: 75 posts
17. Computer Science (Science Faculty): 08 posts
18. Maths: 44 posts
19. Physics: 60 posts
20. Zoology: 70 posts
21. Accounting & Business Statistics: 20 posts
22. Economics Administration & Financial Management: 27 posts
23.Cloth Dyeing & Printing (Art Faculty): 01 post
24.Geology: 04 posts
25. Drawing: 08 posts
26. Law: 82 posts
27. Music (Instrumental): 01 post
28. Music (Vocal): 07 posts
Age : candidate should have complete the age of 21to 35years
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Master’s Degree level in a relevant subject from an Indian University or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign university, must have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET)/ SLET/ SET for lecturers conducted by the UGC, CSIR, or similar test accredited by the UGC.
Fee:General & BC (Creamy layer)/ Special BC category have to pay Rs.350/-, Rs.250/- for Non Creamy layer BC & Special BC candidates of Rajasthan and Rs.150/- for All PH & SC/ ST candidates of Rajasthan. Fee can be paid through e-Mitra/ CSC or Net Banking/ ATM cum Debit Card or Credit Card. Apply online on Date:19/01/2015
: Last Date:27/02/2015
: Detail: