Limited an ‘ISO 9001-2008’ “Mini Ratna-I” Organisation intendsto fill up the posts of Engineer Trainees in following disciplines:WAPCOS Limited is a “MINI RATNA” and “ISO 9001:2008”accredited Public Sector Enterprise under the aegis of the Union Ministry of Water Resource, Government of India.
With in-built capability to provide multi-disciplinary project teams comprising of its own core group of professionals and specialists from various organisations of Govt. of India, WAPCOS provides consultancy services in all facets of Water Resources, Power and Infrastructure sectors in India and Abroad.
Maximum Age limit is 27 years as on 01.07.2014 i.e. candidates born before01.07.1987 need not apply
LASTDATE: 30/06/2014
FOR MORE DETAIL:http://www.wapcos.gov.in/writereaddata/Uploads/JobDocs/9e76ed5b-905f-4738-9602-1451c53810c3_ET.pdf
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