VIJAY BANK, a leading listed
Public Sector Bank, having Head Office in Bangalore, with all India
representation, invites applications for recruitment for the post of PEONS in lucknow,Nagpur,Guwahati,Chandigarh , Maharashtra State,Kerala ,Madhya Pradesh ,Karnataka State Regional Office Bangalore (South), Andaman & Nicobar, Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu States,
Bihar, Jharkhand & Uttarpradesh,
Andhra Pradesh State Regional Office Vijayawada .
Delhi & Haryana. Gujrat,Rajshtan,westbengal.
Last date for receipt of
applications : 17.07.2014
Last date for receipt of
applications : 21.07.2014
from far-flung areas
1. Name of the Post : PEON
2. Cadre : Sub-staff
3. Scale of Pay & allowances : Rs.5850-200/4-6650-250/5-7900-300/4-9100-350/3-10150
Minimum Age as on 30.09.2013 : 18 years
Maximum Age as on 30.09.2013
: 26 years
Qualification (As on 30.09.2013)
: Minimum : 8th Standard pass
Maximum: 12th/PUC or
equivalent failed.
of Regional Language : The
candidates should be able to read, write and speak
Regional Language.