BPSC Invites application for the post of DENTIST job. The suitable candidate may apply online from to . Name of post: DENSTIST
Total No. of Posts: 558
Name of the Post: Dentist
Name of the Category:
1. UR: 281 posts
2. SC: 90 posts
3. ST: 06 posts
4. EBC: 99 posts
5. BC: 66 posts
6. BC (Women): 16 posts
Name of the Category:
1. UR: 281 posts
2. SC: 90 posts
3. ST: 06 posts
4. EBC: 99 posts
5. BC: 66 posts
6. BC (Women): 16 posts
Age Limit: Candidates minimum age should be 21 years & maximum 37 years for Unreserved (Men), 40 years for BC/ EBC (Men & Women) & UR (Women), 42 years for SC & ST (Men & Women) as on 01-08-2014.
Educational Qualification: Candidate should possess B.D.S. Degree from any recognized university & Registered with Bihar & Odisha under Medical Act 1916.
Selection Process: Selection will be based on Educational Qualification, Work Experience & Interview.
Application Fee: Candidates belongs to SC/ ST of Bihar State must pay Rs.25/- + Rs.50/- (Bank Charges) and candidates belongs to Other Category of Bihar State & Out of Bihar State Rs.100/- + Rs. 50/- (Bank Charges) in the form of prescribed Challan form available in the website payable at any branch of State Bank of India in the Account No: 31650243410
Detail: http://bpsc.bih.nic.in/
APPLY ONLINE GET RIGHT CAREER ADVICE : www.hellopanditji.com,www.admissionfunda.com