National Institute of Technology Raipur (NIT Raipur), an institute of National Importance
declared by the Act of Parliament, offers several undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral
programs in technology, science, allied areas with excellent ambience for academic research and
co-curricular activities.
Applications are invited from Indian nationals for faculty positions at the level of
Assistant Professors in various departments.
Interested candidates may apply online on the prescribed format available on the
institute website http://recruitment.nitrr.ac.in/.
Last date of submitting online application : 27/09/2014
The printout of submitted online application form along with all the supporting
documents and application fee in the form of DD/Proof of online payment in an envelope
superscribed with “Application for the post of Assistant Professor for the department of
………………….” must reach to
ADDRESS; The Registrar, National Institute of Technology Raipur, G.E.
Road, Raipur (C.G.) India- 492 010, on or before 08/10/2014 up to 05:00 pm by hand/speed
post/ registered post
DETAILS ADVERTISEMENT :https://www.recruitment.nitrr.ac.in/
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