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UPPSC invites application from post graduate candidate who want to pursue their carrier as a State Educational Research And Training council
Post: 1280
Last Date:11/3/2014
Unreserved (General) - Exam fee 80/- + On-line
processing fee 15/- Total = 95/-
2- Other Backward Class - Exam fee 80/- + On-line
processing fee 15/- Total = 95/-
3- Scheduled Caste - Exam fee 40/- + On-line
processing fee 15/- Total = 55/-
4- Scheduled Tribe - Exam fee 40/- + On-line
processing fee 15/- Total = 55/-
5- Handicapped - Exam fee NIL+ On-line
processing fee 15/- Total = 15/-
6- Dependents of the - According to the original category
Freedom Fighters mentioned from Sl. Nos. 1 to 4.
7- Ex-Serviceman - According to the original category
mentioned from Sl. Nos. 1 to 4.
8- Women - According to the original category
mentioned from Sl. Nos. 1 to 4.
The detail of application is here ,CLICK HERE

UPPSC invites application from post graduate candidate who want to pursue their carrier as a State Educational Research And Training council
Post: 1280
Last Date:11/3/2014
Unreserved (General) - Exam fee 80/- + On-line
processing fee 15/- Total = 95/-
2- Other Backward Class - Exam fee 80/- + On-line
processing fee 15/- Total = 95/-
3- Scheduled Caste - Exam fee 40/- + On-line
processing fee 15/- Total = 55/-
4- Scheduled Tribe - Exam fee 40/- + On-line
processing fee 15/- Total = 55/-
5- Handicapped - Exam fee NIL+ On-line
processing fee 15/- Total = 15/-
6- Dependents of the - According to the original category
Freedom Fighters mentioned from Sl. Nos. 1 to 4.
7- Ex-Serviceman - According to the original category
mentioned from Sl. Nos. 1 to 4.
8- Women - According to the original category
mentioned from Sl. Nos. 1 to 4.
The detail of application is here ,CLICK HERE